Welfare Statistics of Barito Kuala Regency 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Barito Kuala Regency

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Welfare Statistics of Barito Kuala Regency 2021

Catalog Number : 4101002.6304
Publication Number : 63040.2124
ISSN/ISBN : 2776-8384
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 28, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.4 MB


This publication is divided into 8 (eight) chapters consisting of explanations and tables. The introductory section provides an overview of welfare and the survey methods used. This survey method covers the scope, sample frame, sampling design, data collection methods, and data processing. This publication contains data on population, education, health, fertility, family planning, housing, information and communication technology, social protection, social security, and consumption expenditure. A special discussion on sanitation conditions in Barito Kuala Regency was accompanied by several efforts from the Regional Government in improving these conditions in order to "Achieving universal access in the drinking water and sanitation sector" which is expected to occur in 2030
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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